Just as the butterfly goes through the process of metamorphosis, so too do our lives. There is only one thing that is guaranteed in this life…it will change.
We, too, will change!
Are you looking to create positive change in your life?
Are you experiencing stress in the process of meeting life’s challenges along the way?
Change is the one thing we can always count on (whether we like it or not). All of us, at one time or another, experience change. It is an ongoing process; life itself is a continuous transformation. The last few years are living proof.
In addition to being a coach, I am also a potter. The process of making pottery is such a great illustration of transformation. A ball of clay becomes a work of art!
I’ve come to believe that personal and business growth comes from the willingness to do things differently while being open to all possibilities in the transformation process. More often than not, when we think life couldn’t get any better or any more uncomfortable, something happens to bring us to the next level of our growth, just like the strengthening of the clay in the fire. Afterward, we realize that it all had to unfold exactly the way it did to live our most authentic lives.
Everything happens for a reason, for a purpose we may not realize at the time it’s happening, or even for some time afterward, if ever. I believe there is a divine play for each of us to live an abundant life. We can make a choice to paddle upstream, resisting change, making life difficult, or we can “grow” with the flow and become the people we were created to be, living our best lives.
Dictionary.com defines transformation as “change in form, appearance, nature or character.” We all have experienced change, I guarantee it. We are no longer experiencing life with the same mind we had in earlier years, and we have ALL experienced exponential change over the last two years. Many. of us have to reinvent ourselves in many areas. Overall, the experiences of our lives have transformed us in five key areas…Physically, Spiritually, relationally, Emotionally, and Financially.
If you are looking for a transformation in any of those areas of your life, you’ve come to the right place.
Go ahead…have a look around ~ explore the possibilities ~ Get your FREE download “Courage is Fear That’s Said Its Prayers“, and enjoy what you find here.